I sent email to support@cs for help with the Visual Supercomputing Center, but no one helped me.
The VSC is not managed by the CS department facility staff. Please email , and they’ll be more than happy to take care of your needs.
I tried to FTP with my facility username to ftp.cs.utah.edu, but it doesn’t work. What gives?!?
ftp.cs.utah.edu is for anonymous FTP only. To use authenticated FTP, please use authftp.cs.utah.edu. The system is set up this way for security reasons. Note that this is only available from internal networks. Please see the SCP/SFTP FAQ for details on how to transfer files through the firewall.
After I log in to a Unix box, I can’t run programs like pine, emacs or anything else I need. What is going on?
You probably don’t have the directories containing common programs in your PATH environment variable. In addition to standard system directories, like /bin, and /usr/bin, you probably want /uusoc/opt/bin in your $PATH variable.
If you are using csh or tcsh, you can set the path as follows:
set path = ( $path )
Bash, zsh or ksh users can set the path via:
export PATH=$path
If you want to make the changes permanent, modify your .cshrc for csh or tcsh or your .profile for Bash or ksh, or .zshrc for zsh.
I have a question regarding a class I’m taking, whom should I mail?
You should email your professor or your TA(s). You should not email support. We are not necessarily familiar with the software and/or lessons being used in the class.
Why do I get a permission denied error when trying to delete a file via Unix when all the permissions are set correctly?
The reason that this happens is due to our netapp boxes supporting both the Windows and Unix worlds. If a you have a file ‘FOO’ open under Windows and you try to delete ‘FOO’ under Unix you will get a permission denied message. This is because the Netapp box recognizes that another program under Windows is using the file ‘FOO’ and will stop you from deleting it. If you really want to delete the file shut down any Windows apps that are using the file ‘FOO’ and then delete ‘FOO’.
My question isn’t covered here, is there anywhere else I can go?
Yes, we have more detailed FAQs covering each service we offer (some are still being written and/or updated.) Please go to the main support page and look under the FAQ heading. If your question isn’t answered there, feel free to email us.