KSoC Account Request KSoC Account Request KSoC Account Request Form NOTICE: This KSoC account request form sends an automated response to your UMail. As such please be sure to have activated your UMail account before submitting this form! Once your KSoC account has been created, an automated Welcome Email, will also be sent. You can check your UMail status by logging into the Campus Information Service (CIS) via https://cis.utah.edu. Please choose your username carefully. You will NOT be able to change it once your account has been created! We will NOT use your UNID or variations thereof as your user name. We prefer to be based on your first (middle) and/or last name as classes will often user a command line and collaboration requires typing your username often. uNID * Please provide your uNID in the format of u####### First Name * Middle Name Last Name * First preference for a username * Usernames must start with a alpha character and be no more than 8 characters total. Second preference for a username * Usernames must start with a alpha character and be no more than 8 characters total. Third preference for a username * Usernames must start with a alpha character and be no more than 8 characters total. SoC Affliliation * KSoC Graduate Student KSoC Faculty/Professor UofU (non-KSoC) Faculty/Professor Visiting Faculty/Researcher KSoC Staff KSoC Undergraduate Student OtherOther Reason for undergrad account (class number that requires SoC resources, RA for which PI/Faculty, etc.) * Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.