KSoC Doorlock Request KSoC Doorlock Access Request access to Kahlert School of Computing Rooms. If the door is not on the list, then we have no control over it and you’ll need to contact the appropriate authority for access. KSoC Username * Please provide a valid KSoC username (or use your uNID if you do not have an KSoC account.) uNID * Please provide your uNID in the format of u####### 16-digit number from your UCard (if you use a physical ID card) Doors to which you need access (Please do NOT just check all of them or odds are that your request will be denied for all doors!) * MEB (Building 064) Exterior Doors MEB 2160-80 (Offices/Formal Methods Lab, FOB-based) MEB 3105 (MSD/General Teaching) MEB 3115 (TA Offices, you *must* be a TA) MEB 3133 (JHL Student Lab) MEB 3143 (Senior Hardware Lab) MEB 3161 (Kasera’s Research Lab) MEB 3255 (MSD Classroom) MEB 3325 (SPAN Lab) MEB 3335 (Graphics Lab – FOB-based) MEB 3345 (Central Lab) MEB 3401 (Copy Room) MEB 3429 (Grad Lounge) MEB 4110 (HCC Lab) Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.