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KSOC Mailing List Server Changes

The KSOC Mailman mailing list server has been recently updated from version two (2) to version three (3). This update included necessary security patches and provides enhanced functionality.

The new Mailman3 mailing server uses a different authentication method than the previous server.  Authentication is now handled on a per user basis, rather than having a separate password per mailing list.

The ownership, configuration and settings of KSOC mailing lists have not been changed. However, to access the list configuration, list owners will need to create a valid Mailman3 user account or update any existing accounts password.  Instructions on how to create a new account or update an existing account password can be found here: Accessing KSOC Mailman3 Mailing Server Web Portal.  Be sure to use the same email address that was used to specify the list owner on the old system.  Once your new Mailman3 account has been created, you will have administrative access to all of your owned lists, through the general Web interface.

Finally, the general Web interface link has also moved to: and any bookmark you have made in your browser should be changed accordingly.